
20% discount for Military and Students

What I offer

20% discount on all services for military and students.

All packages include:

  • Initial training and assessment call

  • Annual Training Plan and goals

  • Basic TrainingPeaks account

  • Fitness assessments

  • Basic nutrition guidance

  • Unlimited emails. Texts and calls within reason.

  • Monthly Video Chat

  • Virtual strength training form assessment

Triathlon Coaching

Cost $275/mo

This package includes monthly workouts for all 3 sports and strength program specific to your needs.

Run coaching

Cost $150mo

This package includes monthly workouts for 1 sport and strength program specific to your needs.

Private Swim Lesson

Cost $75/session

Available after 5pm Wednesday nights between May-Sept.

This service includes a 45 minute private swim lesson. After analyzing and refining your stroke, you will be given specific drills to continue working on during your swim workouts. In a series of swim lessons, you can expect to build from one to the next focusing on different aspects of your stroke. Contact for more information.

Run Gait Analysis

Cost $150

This service includes 45 minute run gait analysis either at a local park in Round Rock, TX or virtually. Stephanie Peterson, PT, DPT will have you start off with a warm up, then progress to running at various speeds to gain data and info regarding your running gait. From there, changes will be recommended to your current running form. You will be given specific strengthening and stretching exercises at the end to promote changes to improve your running gait.

Why is running gait important?

Running places a high demand on our body including our joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and tissues. If performed incorrectly with increasing intensity or duration, it can cause physiologic stress on these joints and tissues leading to injury. Having proper running gait not only decreases risk of injury, it can also improve the efficiency of running, ultimately improving speed.